The Pine Industries brand holds the responsible Forest Management certification, which ensures a forest or forest plantation is managed in compliance with strict social and economic environmental standards. These standards are based on the 10 Principles and 70 Criteria (Principles & Criteria, or, P&C) of responsible forest management, defined and kept up to date by FSC with the participation of all interested parties.
The P&C are valid all over the world and applicable to different forest ecosystems and management methods as well as cultural, political and legally protected areas: Originating from these, the International Generic Indicators (IGIs) have been defined with the aim of supporting the application of the Principles and Criteria to a set of indicators adapted into a national context. The objective is to adopt National Standards in line with what is established at the international level, thus ensuring greater credibility and stability of the FSC system.
In Italy a National Forest Management Standard has also been approved, and is available to download in Italian and English by clicking the box at the bottom of this page.
Types of Forest Management Certification
The FSC Forest Management certification can be:
Individual: a single forest or plantation is certified;
Group: a single certificate referring to multiple forest properties;
Small and low intensity forests (SLIMF): certification standards designed ad hoc for small forests with low sampling intensity.
Other information
To achieve certification, all the ways in which the forest area is managed must be assessed. Starting from the first phases of project planning, to the operational phases in the field, up to the felling and removal of timber and other products.
Furthermore, both in the definition of standards and the certification process, the participation and consent of local and national stakeholders is required. The process involves all parties with various and specific interests (environmental, social, economic) fundamental to the correct management of the forest.
The Forestry Management certification alone does not allow you to sell wood or other non-timber forest products as certified, nor to label them with FSC brands. To do this, Chain of Custody certification is also required.